Enact Effective Animal Welfare Laws Initiative

Although bestiality is found throughout the world there are European countries that justify this behavior as a lifestyle choice for the sake of profit. This mindset degrades the potential of the human higher self and unnecessarily puts the children of the world at risk.

Main Article: Bestiality Brothels

Petitions For An Urgent Call To Action:
May your voices heard. Tell nations of the world that this is not an acceptable form of behavior.

Make Bestiality a Felony Crime in Ohio

Make Bestiality Illegal in Connecticut

Mandate Bestiality as a Criminal Offense

Tell Denmark to Stop Promoting Bestiality Brothels

Stop Grooming Serial Offenders and Outlaw Bestiality

Tell Texas to Make Bestiality Illegal

Enact an Animal Abuse Registry

Include Animal Abuse in Reports of Domestic Violence

Tell Denmark Rape is Rape

Stop Bestiality Tolerance in the Military

Ban All Forms of Bestiality in America

Tell Europe to Say NO to Bestiality

Stop Animal Sexual Abuse

8 responses to “Enact Effective Animal Welfare Laws Initiative

  1. This things happens because the men are away of God , for that suffer the most inocents in this case the animals .

  2. It is absolutely sick and perverted to abuse animals for sex. The human kind is the only perverted creature on earth. Stop these bestiality and send the consumers of this kind of ill sex to a lunatic asylum ot jail.

  3. pauline st.denis

    it is a sad and sickening thought, please protect animals from this atrocity

  4. this terrible acts are among the things i would like to put a stop to
    if only i could.

  5. People are sick and need to stop abusing animals in any shape or form.

  6. marie taylor-clarke

    What can I say that has not already been said ACTION is needed

  7. Creo que no hay palabras,es INCREÍBLE que una persona llegue hasta ese nivel de IGNORANCIA y que haya gente que cree que eso está bien,en realidad es INCONCEBIBLE,la única manera de que “ENTIENDAN” sería en hacerlo exactamente lo mismo.Lo aberrante es que esto pasa en un país donde uno cree está muy CIVILIZADO

  8. M.Ester Altamirano

    No lo puedo creer lo que leí . Se puede ser tan basura para cometer un acto semejante , con seres indefensos !! BASTA YA !!

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